Jutaan orang membaca buku Buffet dan mengikuti perkembangan perusahaannya, Berkshire Hathaway's. Tetapi rahasia sebenarnya dari Buffet mungkin adalah kesederhanaannya..


Komplikasi-emang aneh nih patung kaya nyata banget yah . sampe susah admin bedain,. silakan cek ada foto - fotonya..


Ditemukan lebih dari 5000 meter di atas permukaan laut di Gunung Victoria di Filipina, raksasa itu, tanaman pitcher pemakan daging mengeluarkan zat seperti nektar untuk memikat mangsanya..

Iklan Pemesanan

Terima kasih bagi anda yang bersedia untuk mengunjungi situs memesan iklan dari blog saya Parbada. Bagi Anda yang ingin beriklan di blog..

About Me

Perkenalkan nama saya Ricky HaLadon Manurung, Saya sering dipanggil Ricky atau Haladon,. Saya Lebih suka di panggil HaLadon, Karena nama Ricky sudah pasaran :D

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Funny Photos of The Failure of The World's Transportation

Failed to transport most of the world that I'm referring to here is a handful of those unique and extreme in the world are trying to experiment with his vehicle. Still confused? Okay, we immediately see the photos..

This is Knife The Most Expensive and The Sharpest in The World's

Bladesmith Hoffmann / Pieper and Designer Quintin Nel has worked together to design the world's most expensive knife.
This knife is amazing, made ​​from carbon steel, Sterling Silver With a stocking from eight diamonds. This knife is called "The Nesmuk" blade is claimed to be the sharpest in the world and sold at an amazing € 31,000 or $ 43,118 Dollars.

This is The World's Most Expensive Laptop

Luvaglio, a company specialized in producing luxury goods has introduced a one million dollar laptop. Although some details of this laptop is still not known exactly at this time, this laptop has a 17-inch LCD screen that assisted with LED lighting and a special anti-reflection coating to produce a clear and bright.

This is The World's Most Expensive House

This is the world's most expensive house, a house owned by Mukesh Ambani, the billionaire businessman and prominent Indian origin who is also a person on the list of 10 richest people in the world. This house consists of 27 floors with a very spacious room, even garage could only accommodate about 150 cars.

This is The World's Fastest Motorcycle

It was not just a car, dubbed the world's fastest, motorpun not want to lose to show off. He was the Tomahawk, the world's fastest motorcycle, equipped with 8200 cc engine capacity!
Chrysler, the creator of the basic technology uses Tomahawk Viper V-10, and engine-powered 500 hp with four wheels. With the original concept and nine replicas valued at $ 555,000 per unit, the motor is sold through Neiman Marcus. Unfortunately, the Chrysler produces super bike is just as "Promotional Displays" However the remains can be ridden..

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

This is The World's Most Advanced Weapons

Recently Armatix Germany issued a sophisticated high-tech weapons that could identify users. This weapon is a pistol or a handgun that can only be active when users use the special watches.These weapons have indicators that can provide information if the weapon is active or not as for the indicator in the form of a light that turns green when he's active, and red if he is not active.

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

7 Tips Healthy Drink Coffee

7 World Leaders Who Drop Out Of The School

You must already know the characters below. In fact they are of Successful Entrepreneurs, Inventors, Politicians, and Top Artists apparently dropped out of school before they were famous. Here are seven World Leaders Who Drop Out Of His school, namely:

1. Thomas A. Edison
Thomas Edison is probably the most famous and prolific inventor of all time, with more than 1,000 patents in his name, including the electric light bulb, phonograph and movie camera. He became a multi millionaire from homemade and won the Congressional Gold Medal. Edison started school late because of illness and, consequently, his mind often wandered, making one of his teachers called him "addled." He dropped out after only three months of formal education. Fortunately, his mother had been a school teacher in Canada and home-schooled young Edison.

7 Animals That Can Radiating Light

Surely you've seen Firefly not see kunag bugs can emit its own light so that flickering glow visible at night, well here are some other animals that can emit its own light mautahu you any kind of animals that see below.

1. Anglerfish
Anglerfish is a unique fish. His appearance as creepy glimpse of her body is round and who have a wide mouth and long curved fangs. Another characteristic is the angler fish light organ in a kind of "fishing line" at the top of the muzzle. Angler fish species, such as Thaumaticthys pagidostomus, having a light organ below the teeth. Angler fish have no swim bladder (due to the depth of the swim bladder or lungs) will be destroyed under the pressure of the sea, so fish that spend their entire lives at sea and never rises to the surface.

7 Products With An Embarrassing Name

Decades we have entered the era of globalization where the products of a bus anywhere in Indonesia, Indonesia as well as products can be marketed abroad. But it seems to the present managers and marketing experts continue to make mistakes. Less research language and naming of products that are not sensitive even to make us roar with laughter with the name of the porn and sometimes one hundred eighty degrees from the true meaning. Inspired by the Dell tablet that will soon be launched, this is the name of the seven incorrect product manufacturer name so embarrassing

1. Vergatorio
The product of this country come from Chavez, even a defendant in the case this time is Hugo Chavez himself, the president of Venezuela.

7 Most Awful Campus in England

This mystical thing that has always been a concern of many people one of which is sometimes in places where college tuition or college that we use as a science memuntut also obtaining a mystical and scary place now here are 7 Campus Most Awful in Britain want to know what the campus wrote that refer to the following review :

1. University of St. Andrews
The campus is home to medieval keagaman and is the most haunted place that never existed in that place. Hatu sightings of the most popular in this place there is the appearance of White Lady sinister figure who often appears on the ground floor of the campus appearance this Hatu pakaiyan seen the figure of a woman wearing a long white with long hair hinga pingang. In 1968 two workers who were repairing the tower found a coffin of one of the open coffin containing a corpse wearing a long white dress.

5 Types of Rare Flower World's Strangest

Flowers are a symbol of beauty and tranquility. When you think of flowers, you may be thinking about the garden full of roses or a stretch of green fields dotted with fresh daisies. It seems there are times when nature wants us to be amazed at the strangeness rather than beauty. Here are some rare flower that is unrivaled weirdness yet:

1. The Naked Coral Tree (Erythrina coralloides)
Erythrina coralloides also known as the Coral Tree Fire, this is the kind of flowering tree in the Fabaceae family of beans, can be found ranging from the U.S. state of Arizona to Oaxaca in Mexico. These plants have a hard red petals, looks like a coral / reef, where usually grows in the desert.

5 Things You Fear Most in Teens

Parents may wonder why children do not talk about his problems. Typically, children in their teens feel uncomfortable to talk about it with adults. They felt adults would not understand what they are experiencing. Adolescents also fear of being angry, criticized, or even punished for the problems being experienced.
Vanessa Van Petten, author of parenting book You're Grounded! whose mission is to improve parent-child relationship is sharing her experience. Every time Vanessa teenage apprentice applicants interviewed, he asked them to answer two questions: What is most worrying you? What are the most difficult part of your life??..

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

5 Things You Should Asked the Doctor

When we come to the doctor of course we wish all our health problems solved. But unfortunately, the doctor is still a human being, not a super hero. Such passivity does not provide a complete description with the doctor about symptoms or family history can make the doctors wrong conclusions.
"The majority of patients want a doctor who is perfect, who knows all things. Though, of course there's a reason why there are specialties in medicine," said Travis Stork, MD, a physician who also brought the show The Doctors.

5 Types of Most Deadly Cancers

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, not least in Indonesia. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 84 million people died from cancer in 2005 and 2015 timeframe.

Cancer can be suffered by anyone regardless of age, gender and social status. In the world Cancer Day which falls every year on February 4, WHO noted that nearly 80 percent of cancer deaths came from low-income countries and middle. In fact, a quarter of them occur before the age of 60 years.

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

5 Tourist Attractions in North Sumatra

1. Lake Toba
Lake Toba is expected explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago and an eruption (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner of Michigan Technological University estimate that the volcanic materials spewed out of the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock overlies and 2,000 km ³ of volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks.

9 Hal Yang Pertama di Dunia Maya

10 Soft Drink Teraneh di Dunia

1. Gau Jal: Soft drink yang terbuat dari air kencing
India dari gerakan nasionalis Hindu baru-baru ini mengatakan ia berada di tahap akhir pengembangan baru minuman ringan yang terbuat dari air kencing sapi. Kepala Dinas Om Prakash mengatakan minuman - disebut "gau jal" atau "sapi air" - telah menjalani tes laboratorium dan akan meluncurkan "secepat mungkin, mungkin pada akhir tahun ini." "Jangan kuatir, tidak akan bau seperti air seni dan akan terlalu enak," katanya. "USP yang akan bahwa akan sangat sehat. Ini tidak akan seperti beruap minuman dan akan tanpa ada toxins." Dia bersikeras, bahwa ia akan mampu bersaing dengan senang dengan Coca Cola dan Pepsi.

10 Artis Tercantik di Korea

1. Song Hye Kyo

10 Proyek Bangunan Menakjubkan di Dunia Yang Tidak Jadi Dibangun

1. Ultima Tower Designed in 1991 for San Francisco California 
Design ini tampaknya sungguh tidak mungkin (liat saja ilustrasi proyeknya diatas), tapi sebaliknya, sangat keren jika bisa dibuat. Arsitek Eugene Tsui mendapat ide bangunan ini dari hasil belajarnya di San Fransisco. Struktur ini akan menggunakan energi hasil konversi energi atmosferik dengan cara mengubah energi yang dihasilkan perbedaan tekanan udara dari atas dan bawah bangunan ini menjadi energi listrik. Bangunan ini memiliki 500 lantai (2 mil tingginya) dan diharapkan menjadi tempat tinggal sekitar 1 juta penduduk.

10 Warna Yang Jarang Didengar

Anda mungkin tahu warna dasar seperti merah, hijau, biru, kuning, pink, ungu, dan mungkin banyak lagi. Anda juga mungkin tahu bahwa warna primer seperti merah, biru, dan kuning dan bahwa mereka tidak dapat dibuat melalui pencampuran warna lain. Anda mungkin juga tahu warna sekunder, yang dibuat dengan mencampur dua warna primer, seperti ungu, hijau, dan oranye.

Namun, pasti ada beberapa warna yang belum pernah Anda dengar atau mungkin bahkan dilihati. Di bawah ini adalah daftar warna yang Anda mungkin tidak tahu tapi ada. Anda sudah mungkin melihat mereka beberapa kali sebelumnya, tapi Anda tidak tahu nama nya.

Mungkin warna yang pernah kita semua lihat, tetapi tidak pernah dikenal nama aslinya . Warna ini juga dikenal sebagai dasar hijau 4 dan sering digunakan saat membuat pewarna hijau. Hijau cerah ini berasal dari mineral karbonat dikenal sebagai Malachite, atau tembaga karbonat.


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